Munogen (산화질소 생성과 혈관 건강 관리)


Munogen is an exclusive, all-in-one combination of various ingredients with synergistic effects.

Munogen contains bioactive ingredients, secondary plant substances, amino acids and vitamins, which contribute to the production of red blood cells*, blood production** and helps to reducefatigue and tiredness*/**.

• Synergistic combination of natural and high-quality extracts of green apple, grape and red spinach.
• Synergistic effect of high-quality L-Arginin and L-Citrullin
• Vitamin B6*, vitamin B12*/** and folic acid ** help to reduce tiredness and fatigue

* Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 contribute to the normal production of red blood cells and help to reduce tiredness and fatigue.
** Folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12 contribute to the normal blood production and help to reduce tiredness and fatigue.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


뮤노겐 (기적의 분자)

> 산화질소 L-아르기닌, L-시트룰린, 붉은시금치 , 푸른사과 . 색소 홍삼함유 Munccon 붉은포도, 비타민 B6, B9, B12 함유
> 혈액속의 독소인 호모시스테인 수준을 정상 수준으로 유지, 정상적인 엽산 대사에 기여 ·
> 혈관확장, 신축성 유지, 혈액순환 개선
> 하지정맥, 동맥 경화, 심혈관 건강 개선
> 모세혈관 확장, 면역력 강화
> 성장호르몬 분비 도움

Munogen is an exclusive, all-in-one combination of various ingredients with synergistic effects.

Munogen contains bioactive ingredients, secondary plant substances, amino acids and vitamins, which contribute to the production of red blood cells*, blood production** and helps to reducefatigue and tiredness*/**.

• Synergistic combination of natural and high-quality extracts of green apple, grape and red spinach.
• Synergistic effect of high-quality L-Arginin and L-Citrullin
• Vitamin B6*, vitamin B12*/** and folic acid ** help to reduce tiredness and fatigue

* Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 contribute to the normal production of red blood cells and help to reduce tiredness and fatigue.
** Folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12 contribute to the normal blood production and help to reduce tiredness and fatigue.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


뮤노겐 (기적의 분자)

> 산화질소 L-아르기닌, L-시트룰린, 붉은시금치 , 푸른사과 . 색소 홍삼함유 Munccon 붉은포도, 비타민 B6, B9, B12 함유
> 혈액속의 독소인 호모시스테인 수준을 정상 수준으로 유지, 정상적인 엽산 대사에 기여 ·
> 혈관확장, 신축성 유지, 혈액순환 개선
> 하지정맥, 동맥 경화, 심혈관 건강 개선
> 모세혈관 확장, 면역력 강화
> 성장호르몬 분비 도움

주원료/함량(원료 원산지)

해조혼합분말(해조분말, 옥수수전분), 유청칼슘, 함소아녹각오미자유래칼슘분말(오미자추출액,녹각분말), 산화마그네슘, 폴리감마글루탐산, 황산망간, 비타민D3 혼합제제(비타민D3,자당, 아라비아검,옥수수전분,MCT유,이산화규소,비타민E),결정셀룰로스, 스테아린산마그네슘,글리세린초산지방산에스테르,저분자피쉬콜라겐,L-아르지닌,L-글루타민,L-라이신염산염,BCAA혼합제제(L-로이신,L-발린,L-이소로이신),초유단백분말,은행잎추출물,함소아식물혼합추출분말EM4,블루베리농축분말


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