ReSet Diet Beauty & Wellness
Clinic Programs

Undo Years of Damage in Days with ReVeRs.

To be successful with your weight loss goals

Diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular, disease so on

Nutritional management before and after Radiation therapy..

Nutrition before pregnancy,
Nutrition during pregnancy.. 

Pediatric nutrition management, childhood diabetes.. 

A smart body composition analyzer that evaluates body..

Small Group, and Organizational Lectures, as well as Zoom..

ReVeRs Introduction
AI 영양관리솔루션
Health Journals & Seminas

청소년 건강세미나

청소년기 정신 건강과 영양 | 좋은 물만 마셔도 많은 건강문제가 해결된다. | 음식이 우리 아이 정신 건강을 좌우한다 | 부모들을이

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Brain Olympics

치매예방의 날: 치매 전문의 강염 및 질의 응답. Act Now 무료 치매 검사, 치매 예방 식단, 치매 예방운동, 점심식사 제공,

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