D-Drink 완벽한 디톡스 주스


D-Drink is the tasty allround solution that contributes to a normal liver* and metabolic function**.
14-days-routine with only one portion a day
perfect complement to the FitLine Optimal-Set
tasteful combination of high-quality nutrients, e.g. extracts from broccoli, milk thistle and wild garlic
Low sugar content (due to exclusive Stevia extract)
*Cholin contributes to the normal liver function ** Chromium contributes to a normal macronutrient metabolism

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


D 드링크 해독, 면역력 중진 ·
정상 간기능유지(콜린), 신진대사 증진(크로미엄) · Optimal Set와 함께 14일간 간 해독(1회/1일) 고품질 영양소(브로콜리, 밀크씨슬, 산마늘)
장기간 의약품 섭취 후 간 해독
밀크씨슬 (의약품 동시 섭취 시 주의) 스티비아 추출물(Low Sugar)

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D-Drink is the tasty allround solution that contributes to a normal liver* and metabolic function**.
14-days-routine with only one portion a day
perfect complement to the FitLine Optimal-Set
tasteful combination of high-quality nutrients, e.g. extracts from broccoli, milk thistle and wild garlic
Low sugar content (due to exclusive Stevia extract)
*Cholin contributes to the normal liver function ** Chromium contributes to a normal macronutrient metabolism

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


D 드링크 해독, 면역력 중진 ·
정상 간기능유지(콜린), 신진대사 증진(크로미엄) · Optimal Set와 함께 14일간 간 해독(1회/1일) 고품질 영양소(브로콜리, 밀크씨슬, 산마늘)
장기간 의약품 섭취 후 간 해독
밀크씨슬 (의약품 동시 섭취 시 주의) 스티비아 추출물(Low Sugar)

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